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Information on Individual Organisms (morgue.dat)

When an individual organism dies, if it is of a species which has already been recorded in the file species_current.dat, then information about the organism is considered for recording in the file morgue.dat. To restrict the size of this file, eligible organisms only have a 1 in N chance of being recorded in it, where N is determined by the parameter morgue_record_period. Each line of the file is of the format:

TimeSliceNumber SpeciesID-Numeric SpeciesID-Alpha TimeOfBirth LastReadingFrame
NumberFaithfulOffspring NumberUnfaithfulOfspring TimeOfFirstFaithfulOffspring
TimeOfSecondFaithfulOffspring FlawRateAtBirth MaximumCellsInOrganism

where SpeciesID-Numeric and SpeciesID-Alpha are the numeric and alpha components of the SpeciesID of the organism (which are split to make subsequent extraction of organism genome length data easier); NumberFaithfulOffspring is the number of faithful offspring that the organism gave birth to (and NumberUnfaithfulOfspring has a similar meaning relating to unfaithful offspring); TimeOfFirstFaithfulOffspring is the time slice at which the organism gave birth to its first faithful offspring, or 0 if it did not achieve this (and TimeOfSecondFaithfulOffspring has a similar meaning relating to the second faithful offspring); MaximumCellsInOrganism is the maximum number of cells that the organism was composed of at any stage of its life; and ForeignCodeExecution is 1 if the organism ever executed any code from its Received Message Store during its lifetime, and 0 otherwise.

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Tim Taylor