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Detailed Analysis of a Standard Run

In this section, the results of a single run of Cosmos using the default parameter settings, together with its neutral shadow, will be analysed in some detail.

As mentioned in the previous chapter, there are many parameters associated with Cosmos, some of which control fairly minor or obscure aspects of the system. Because of this, it would be impractical to conduct a thorough investigation of the entire parameter space. Instead, many of the more obscure parameters were held constant throughout all of the experiments reported in this chapter. These are listed in Section B.1, along with their associated values.

The parameters which were varied between experiments (together with some other major parameters such as grid_size) are listed in Table 5.1. This table also shows the default values of these parameters, as used in the run reported in this section.

Table 5.1: Default Values for Major Parameters in Cosmos.
Parameter Value


ancestor user_defined
number 100


rng_seed 834981793


limited_run yes
number_of_timeslices 1000000


grid_size 40
horizontal_wrap yes
vertical_wrap yes
max_cells_per_process 2500
number_of_energy_tokens_per_grid_pos_per_sweep 30
max_energy_tokens_per_grid_pos 100
energy_collection_scheme shared
energy_distribution_scheme land
x_delta 0.0


et_value_constant 0.025
et_value_power 1.0
number_of_energy_tokens_per_collect 10
max_energy_tokens_per_cell 100
neighbouring_genomes_readable no


apply_mutations yes
mutation_application_period 10
mutation_period 1000000
apply_flaws yes
default_flaw_period 250000


record_neutral_model_data yes
visualisation_recording_on yes
visualisation_record_energy_only no


As shown in the table, the run was initialised by inoculating 100 ancestor programs into the system. The size of the world was 40 x 40 squares, and the ancestors were distributed evenly throughout this area.

The ancestor used for this run (and for nearly all of the other runs) is shown schematically in Figure 5.1 (a full listing is given in Section B.2). The basic operation of the ancestor is as follows. First, it looks for a template pattern at the start of its genome to work out the memory address of its first line of code. Next, it searches for a template pattern at the end of the genome, to work out the address of its last line of code. The ancestor then enters into a loop, copying instructions one at a time, from the beginning of the genome to the end, into the Nucleus Working Memory. When this copying is complete, the cells divides (creating a new organism), and the ancestor attempts to move into a neighbouring grid position.

Figure 5.1: Schematic of the Standard Ancestor, 348AAAA.

The duration of the run was one million time slices. As discussed in Section 5.1.4, data for the neutral shadow was recorded during this run, and then fed into the neutral model to give us an idea of the non-adaptive characteristics of the system.

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Tim Taylor